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Eating for the Instagram– How Instagram turnedinto a giant foodmarket


This is a fact we can’tdeny, Instagramis deeply involved in food culture. There are over 230 million of foodon Instagram, 60 millions of them add delicious yum and accordingto Linkfluence75% of food posts are done by women aged 18 to 34.


Time has changed since your grandmother was offering you her precious cooking book full of notes on your wedding day. Instagram and your grandmother’s cooking book have one thing incommon: food has always been a way of sharing. But Instagram food trend goes further than a simple recipe sharing, it is now a matter of self-expression. Waitrose report in 2016 says that food is today’s hottest social currency:throughit we tell others about ourselves. Instagram is a borderless, international platform and the approach is universal.

Instagram 人文对他们看待甜品的态度有非常大的影响力。为身体减负,就是两个很好的例子。依照Waitrose的报道,有70%的英国人正在考虑健康饮食,作为自己的生活态度的条码。享受有品质的生活,是一件值得庆祝的事,他们不断地发不吃面筋,不吃肉,不吃糖这样健康生活的条码。有健康饮食意识的这个群体是一批新的族群,Instagram是两个很好的平台,将这个健康饮食的风潮引领到全世界。

Instagram culture has a hugeimpactonhow we view our food. free is a good example of this trend.Stillaccording toWaitrose report, 70% of British are considering healthy eating as a partof theiridentity.Living well is something to celebrate and we can’t count posts using gluten free, meat free, sugar free. Conscious consumers are the new consumers and Instagram is a fantastic channel to spread the world.

From Instagram

牛油果可能是首个在Instagram上以少于50万牛油果吐司甜品照片掀起非常大潮流风向的甜品。如今牛油果图片是如此的主流化,以至于它让吃的健康 都快正式成为一句陈词滥调。

Avocadowas maybe thefirst overwhelmingtrend on Instagram with more than 500 000 pictures of avocado toast. Avocado pictures today are getting so mainstream that it turned eatcleanintoacliché. The Guardian named this phenomenon asovercado, avocado on atoasthasbeen too generic to be aspirational.

From Instagram


Beside seggclouds, chia seed jar or poke bowl which express how healthy you are,  Instagram isalso used to show to the entire world how our life is exciting.

如果提起火烈鸟蛋糕、冰淇淋云朵,或者是彩虹百吉饼,并不一直意味着美味,但这也是我个人的观点。Instagram 社区使用多样化的课程来吸引粉丝。人们逐渐上瘾去练习怎样把食物拍的有创造力、有格调,在Instagram上可以找到大量的教程,教你怎样把甜品的照片拍成最好的效果。

Here comes the flamingo cake, ice creamclouds orrainbow bagels. Not always a sign of good taste but this is mypersonal opinion! AndInstagramcommunity isusing multiplecourses of visually-led to capture the attention of users. Creative photogenic is becominganobsession forfoodiesand you can find plenty of articles which explain you the besttips tomaximize your food photo impact.

But restaurants are getting intheacttoo. According to The Good Food Guide, restaurants today tend to haveone dishon the menu that is really Instagram able and people often go toa specificrestaurant just to say they have had that dish. Delectabledishes, withrelevant hashtags, can be aviralsource of free marketing.

From Yum Cha Hong Kong

港式茶餐厅Yum Cha Hong Kong

Nicolas Lambert ,四季酒店的一位点心主厨,在Instagram上是两个冉冉升起的甜品网红,约有6.7万的粉丝关注他,他说:当我在制作甜品的时候,外观和味道是由其重要的。我从不使用滤镜,因为顾客们希望看到的和实际吃到的甜品是一样的精致漂亮的。由于我经常会将我的创作正式发布在Instagram上,总结以往的经验,我可以告诉大家草莓一直在为照片加分,它的红色十分诱人,会吸引大家的注意。我不得已说,在Instagram上撷取我的作品早已正式成为我工作的一部分,Instagram是两个引人注目的、有强大影响力的平台,它宣传了我的餐厅和作品。

Nicolas Lambert, Head Pastry Chef of Caprice Four Seasons Hotel, is a rising star on Instagram, followed bymore than67K pastry lovers and he is saying so: When I create a dessert, lookand tasteare incredibly important. I never use filters because guests wanttheir mealsto look exactly the same. And since I am posting my creationson InstagramI can tell that strawberry is always scoring! I guess the redcolorisappealing and catches the attention. I have to say that sharing my workon Instagramis now part of my job and Instagram is an impressive powerfulchannel topromote my restaurant and my creations.


And Hong Kong people are demanding! They like new things all the time. Since Nicolas has opened his account hehas created280 different products to keep his audience’s interest. In HongKong andMacau, posting photos of meals on Instagram and other social mediasites hasbecome a craze. In response, some restaurants are making it a priorityto havetheir dishes Instagram-ready.


Social media ischanging theway food is enjoyed. Some chefs will prefer a time when dining outwas focusedon conversations. But it isnow proventhat Instagram is also changing the way food is preparedand restaurants,chefsand agro-food professionals definitely need to embracethe trend!

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SOPEXAAgency- International Marketing & Communication Agency Food Drink Lifestyle. Our 26 agencies develops bespoke  communications, Marketing & Digital strategies for your products and brands throughout the world.

未经允许不得转载:金猪ins粉丝点赞分享自助下单购买网站 » 甜品撷取,尽在Twitter–Twitter怎样正式成为两个非常大的甜品消费市场?
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